How To Fix A Ripped Or Damaged Lace Wig
Dec 06, 2023
Nowadays lace wigs are getting more and more popular among black girls because of their natural and beautiful look. However, many people are easy to tear the lace in the process of installing and plucking lace frontal wig or lace closure wig. When it comes to this case, many people choose to sending it to be repaired or giving up it to buy a new one.
Now You don’t have to do it. In fact, repairing a lace frontal wig is actually pretty simple and not as complicated as you think. Then we will show you two easy and quick ways to fix the holes on lace wigs.
Way One: Use Tape To Fix The Ripped Wig
What You Will Need To Prepare In Advance:
Bonding Tape;
3M Transpore tape;
Your damaged lace frontal wig;
A Styrofoam wig head;
Some pins;
Knot sealer;
Some water;
A wide-toothed comb;
Step 1
Spritz the hair with a little water and use a wide-toothed comb to brush it through from the bottom up to remove any knots or tangles.
Step 2
Turn your human hair lace front wig inside out until that the lace is completely facing you and then use some pins to secure the wig on the styrofoam wig head so that you can clearly see the area you need to repair.
Step 3
Use acetone to clean the area that’s been ripped, spray a light layer of knot sealer on the rear area to straighten the lace, and then allow the knot sealer to dry for five minutes.
Step 4
Using some pins to pin the edges of the tear together so that the ripped edges are touching.
Step 5
Cut a piece of bonding tape slightly larger than the torn hole and remove the back paper and place it over the torn area. Press the tape firmly onto the lace with your fingers to ensure the tape has attached to the lace, then remove the remaining paper.
Step 6
Cover the tape using a sheet of 3M Transpore tape to prevent it from sticking to your scalp. Pay attention to the transport tape that needs to be the same size as the bonding tape patch. Cut the transport tape and place it on top of the bonding tape and press it firmly into place.
Way Two: Use Needle To Repair The Damaged HD Lace Wig
What You Will Need To Prepare In Advance:
Your damaged HD lace wig;
A Styrofoam wig head;
Some pins;
Some Water;
A wide-toothed comb;
Step 1
Spritz the hair with a little water and use a wide-toothed comb to brush it through from the bottom up to remove any knots or tangles.
Step 2
Turn your human hair HD lace wig inside out until that the lace is completely facing you and then use some pins to secure the HD lace human hair wig on the styrofoam wig head so that you can clearly see the area you need to repair.
Step 3
Use acetone to clean the area that’s been ripped.
Step 4
Using some pins to pin the edges of the tear together so that the ripped edges are touching.
Step 5
Choose a sturdy thread that matches the color of your lace to loop it in the needle and then tie it off in the end. Or you also can thread it through the needle and tie the ends together to make the thread more reinforced.
Step 6
Begin stitching with a straightforward overcast stitch and keep your stitches small and near the tear at the same time. Only do this, your comb or brush will not get caught in the thread later. When you have stitched the complete tear area, don’t forget to tie the thread in a double knot and cut off the excess.
1. You must make sure the needle is pretty small. After all, a big needle means a bigger hole. Compared to a big needle, a small needle go through your frontal, which will not cause any more damage than you already have.
2. If possible, please choose invisible thread as your saving grace. Because it is made of polyester so it is literally not like linen or some type of fabric thread. And the thread does not break and is stretchy at all so this won’t like to snap your HD lace wig human hair or cause any more damage.
3. When you start to sew the lace frontal, please start from a little bit further back the ripped area to ensure the holes won’t grow or get bigger. And the first knot can go through more times just to make sure the thread is secured and locked into place.
Are these steps easier than you think? However, the easiest way to fix your lace wig is to not have to fix it at all. For wig wears, the thing you need to do most is to care for lace wig in proper ways. For example, using proper shampoo and conditioner to regularly wash and deep-condition human hair wigs, avoiding sleeping with your wig at night, and so on.
Any question please contact Luckinhair anytime.♥